What is the Bridge to the Beyond?
Interest in spiritual areas such as meditation, dreams of all types, out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences are steadily increasing, together with increasing accounts of telepathy from extra-terrestrial life forms and channelling information.
If you’re interested in any of these topics this video will interest you with an impressive lineup of speakers in this round table event, including Matías De Stefano, Helané Wahbeh, Laura Alden Kamm, Mitch Horowitz, and Jason Liggett.
You’ll be guided through the following topics and questions, which cover spiritual and paranormal areas about channelling, the voices that we hear in our minds and the actions that we take based on our inner thoughts.
Here’s the lineup for you so that you can choose which part of the video you would like to listen to:
- 1:01 — Can anyone learn to channel is it an innate gift or is this something for which the individual can train?
- 2:11 — When in channelling is there any risk that a dark consciousness can enter your psyche or take over your being?
- 6:48 — If we’re all one, why do people manifest so differently, one an artist and another a musician, should we all have the same capacity?
- 8:16 — About 20 years ago if we were connected with a channel and had a wonderful experience but lost the connection what steps can be taken to restore it?
- 15:25 — How can I recognize the voice thoughts of the being I am channelling from my voice and thoughts?
- 21:25 — Have you seen the future if so what’s going to happen to humanity?
- 24:38 — When I meditate and suddenly an answer to a perplexing problem comes to me, is this channelling?
- 25:47 — How do you learn to trust the information you receive when channelling?
- 27:54 — Can we use channeling to contact extraterrestrial beings?
- 29:50 — Are schizophrenics super sensitives who channel or interact with various entities’ frequencies but to do so without any awareness or understanding of what they are seeing or hearing?
- 33:37 — Do you think animal channels sometimes, for example when people feel they are receiving signs from their loved one who has died and they keep seeing dragonflies or cardinals or butterflies etc. Are animals used to reach out and interact and do animals have some sort of a channeling capacity?
- 37:19 — What would you say is going on for someone who can’t remember dreams, where the dream state seems black or blocked?
- 41:12 — What is the purpose of life and the purpose of channelling? How can we know our life purpose?
- 47:28 — How do we work with channelling a positive being versus a negative entity? Does our present polarity or vibration attract what spectrum of entity or spirit we can channel in?
- 52:43 — Is there any specific channelling experience or message that was special for you that you would like to share with us?
- 56:52 — What future topics regarding channelling will be explored in the series?
I hope you enjoyed this post and found the video interesting. As always, feedback is always welcome.
For our continued journey I send you Love and Light.