This is a MUST-READ post
Discussions about life on other planets are appearing more and more in our daily lives as videos, posts, articles, and whistleblowers talk about and share their experiences in terms of things that they have seen abduction experiences and phenomena that could not be ‘humanly’ possible.
In the spiritual arena much has been said about the New Age and the ‘enlightenment’ of many that are taking place now as the earth shifts into a 4th dimension. Channelers speak about their telepathically communicated communications with extra-terrestrials, the most impressive of these (in my opinion) being RA in the Law of One book, although this was a few years ago.
But before going any further, some of you may be asking what UFOs extraterrestrials or UAPs have to do with issues of spirituality or sleep paralysis. And in answer to that, I say a great deal.
As far as sleep paralysis is concerned, many experiencers state that during the experience they awoke in a space that was familiar and yet unfamiliar and they saw different types of entities or life forms. Telepathic communication is often part of the experience and sensations such as vibrations, moving through tunnels and the sound of static is very common.
The one thing that cannot be disputed is that they all see the same types of entities, and yes, ‘entities’ is plural.
Even the experience itself is thought by some to take place in a different dimension that can only be accessed by the astral body or consciousness when we sleep, and these alternate dimensions have different types of life forms in them. We also have studies, that show the similarities between the UFO abductee’s experience and those of the sleep paralysis experiencer.
When spirituality is linked to the extraterrestrial phenomenon, Dr. Steven Greer, argues that extraterrestrials have different levels of consciousness that can intertwine with ours and that by raising your consciousness through states like meditation, different forms of consciousness can engage and communicate telepathically with us. Channelling, (which is sometimes interstellar communication) also engages entities from other planets, star systems, and dimensions including the spirits and souls of loved ones.
What is now groundbreaking is that Dr Greer presented publicly on Monday the 12th of June at a Press Club event, that he had been asked by the US Congress to provide information related to actual crush retrievals and the different forms of life that have been engaged.
He references 122 extraterrestrial crashes, as well as military, corporate, and eminent government witnesses who have come forward to support his work.
And…. he makes reference to 60–70 different forms of extra terrestrial life forms. We are no longer talking about ETs being just ‘GREYS’.
He states that he was a medical doctor working in the emergency hospital department and that after working as a volunteer in the UFO field for 33 years as a volunteer, he found that the Presidential Office could not be trusted with the investigation, which is why Congress has asked for his direct involvement.
His work is thought-provoking at the very least, and significantly impactful for humanity at best. Whether you believe it or not we are living in exciting times.
Below is the full disclosure event video, which he has now posted on YouTube.
Are we on the edge of knowing for sure that interstellar civilizations exist?
Is it possible for these civilizations to interface with our consciousness, thoughts, and higher dimensional fields?
I leave it to you to decide.
I wish you a fantastic week.
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With Love and Light as we continue together.