The Entity Said his Name was Frank!!!
An Encounter with a Fear-Inducing Sleep Paralysis Presence
As I begin analysing the sleep paralysis data gathered last year, I am struck by the profound depth and intrigue of the findings. The revelations are so compelling that it feels imperative to share them with this esteemed community. The piece of data I am presenting in this post is intentionally without an introduction or conclusion. This is an invitation for you to engage, to offer your insights and interpretations of this experience. A pseudonym has been used to respect the privacy of the individual who generously shared their personal journey with me. My heartfelt gratitude extends to this participant for their openness and contribution to our collective understanding.
During my sleep paralysis, I heard one of the spirits in my ear, and it was like, ‘Come on’. If you have ever seen the Power Puff Girls, it was like the Red Lobster dude. This being sounded very similar to HIM, it was very androgynous, and creepy.
So, I’m closing my eyes and I’m not gonna look at this thing, and the thing says, ‘Open your eyes I know you wanna see what I look like. Come on just one little peak. Just look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!’ Then the tone of voice changed cos it was mad, but I wouldn’t look at them and I wouldn’t give them any of my energy, nothing. I was furious, and then I opened my eyes, and I could move, and then I was awake, and I didn’t have SP for a long time after that.
I got kind of cocky because I know what they’re after. They’re just after my fear. I felt very cocky that there was nothing they could do to me as I had this process. I took a nap. It’s always the naps, the naps are where like sometimes you have like the craziest sleep paralysis. I don’t know why, but I was in bed, and everybody’s biggest fear right is like when your feet are not under the cover fully. Everybody’s biggest fear is a hand coming and grabbing your legs and pulling you off the bed right, and that’s what happened. So, I’m just laying there, I’m paralysed, and then I just feel this hand wrap around my leg, and just start grabbing me very slowly and dragging me out of the bed, and then I start laughing. I start laughing because I’m aware that this is not a dream, and I start laughing. I’m like you literally know what you’re doing, you’re trying to make me afraid so you can feed off of me and it’s not going to work, because I know your tricks. I know this is a dream, and I can literally just call in Jesus to get rid of you. Simple as that. And so, then they actually came out of out of the shadows, and they’re like this black cube. They looked like a speaker or like a heater. It was weird, but they were like a black cube, and they started talking to me, and it was weird because this thing had like a whole personality.
So, they’re talking to me, and this thing is smart. I underestimated this thing in the dream and looking back upon it now, I realize how smart they really are. So, when they realized that they couldn’t feed off my fear they will try to get the next best thing which is usually anger, or frustration, because that frustration is desperation and desperation is a lack of faith right? And so if you don’t have faith in that you believe that you are in control, you are giving them the power to feed off of you, if you don’t realize that you’re in control.
So, he kept poking me and he’s like ‘Well, I’m, Frank.’ I’m literally praying trying to rebuke this demon, and it just starts poking me. He’s like, ‘hey? I just sang all this stupid stuff,’ like literally saying the most annoying stuff ever in like the most annoying toy voice, and I actually stopped praying. I saw him and I’m like ‘Shut up!’ That’s where I messed up. I diverted my attention, and then I started feeding him and I didn’t even realize it because I thought that the only thing they could feed off was fear, so I thought I was safe. ‘Shut up. Oh, you’d love that!’ And then he goes again, starts poking me, saying all these things, and then he started saying like really bad jokes, and I was so mad at him, and I was like ‘fuck you’. I just started getting so mad and so frustrated to the point where I became aware that I was paralyzed again, and I completely forgot that I was actually the one in control, and I forgot that I had the ability to pray and rebuke him.
I don’t know if there’s like really even a gender. He goes onto the wall, and he turns into a shadow, and he turns into the shadow of a dog, and he’s like running along the walls, and then shape shifting into different creatures like shadow creatures running along the wall. I lived with my uncle at the time and I was like ‘Oh thank God my uncle’s here, he can wake me up’ and then I became paralyzed and I’m like ‘Oh, my gosh! Thank God you came here to save me I was dealing with the SP and I’m so glad that you’re here, and I’m awake now’. And then he starts laughing, and then like he has this like a freaky smile, and he’s like ‘I got you again,’ he’s like ‘you really thought I was gone’. That’s how he couldn’t make me afraid at first then he tried to get me angry to get my defences down.
It’s literally warfare, it is so strategic and you can’t underestimate them at all. They will use your emotions against you. They will weaponize your anger, your fear, your frustration, your insecurities, everything.
I hope you enjoyed reading Tracy’s story. Please like or re-share this post so that others can read it. It’s an example of the many facets of sleep paralysis.