Extraterrestrials and Sleep Paralysis
Study exposes the connection
There have long since been claims from persons who experienced sleep paralysis that they were abducted by extraterrestrials whilst they slept. The seriousness of these claims has been examined by scholars, who have identified that sleep paralysis symptoms have similarities to claims made by those who state that they have been abducted by aliens. Whilst not all the symptoms are the same, the majority overlap.
Richard J McNally and Susan A Clancy from Harvard University completed a study into sleep paralysis and alien abductions. The study looked at how reports of alien abductions and those of sleep paralysis were indeed similar.
The report stated that other scholars, not just McNally and Clancy, have been reporting encounters with aliens that originate in sleep paralysis for many years.
Their study looked at some of the features that were being reported:
- Feeling electrical sensations.
- Seeing beings in the bedroom.
- Seeing flashing lights or glowing objects.
- The feeling of being lifted off the bed.
The experiences covered several modalities including visual, auditory, and tactile. For some persons, the experiences led to seeking help from mental health professionals.
The suggestion of an extraterrestrial connection to the events that take place whilst we sleep is something that warrants further investigation. Could it be that whilst we are sleeping, we are in fact engaging with other extraterrestrials? Or at the very least, we have the potential for engagement?. . Food for thought.
Here is a link to download the McNally paper. If you are unable to access the paper, let me know and I’ll email it to you: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1363461505050715
I’m Sheila Pryce Brooks, and if you are reading this, you are already on your journey.
I’ll be back soon.